Riverside, Ca –
- Project Objective:
- Created an autonomous robot that travels to a location via GPS, displays a target, and records if the target is hit
- Replaced standard static target ranges with a mobile, autonomous robot
- Experimental Hardware and Software Setup:
- Arduino Mega and Arduino Uno
- L298n dual H Bridge Motor Driver
- Neo 6M GPS Module
- BNO055 Absolute Orientation Module
- NRF24l01 motor driver
- Project Outcomes:
- Successfully implemented a prototype of the Autonomous Target Robot system
- Stored and traveled ravel up to 4 coordinates before returning to base
- Utilized heading functions to always face the user
- Created a GUI to manage the functionality of the robot
- Allowed users to input coordinates for the vehicle to travel and performs a system check
- Plotted real-time GPS coordinates of the vehicle and hit-detection